
my blogs
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not my blogs


i think i'm done with people for a while. They're too dumb. Especially the smart ones.

Current Mood: diffident
Current Music: "Yeah, and that seems fair" - Banditos, The Refreshments

  posted by Arthur @ 9/26/2002 06:43:00 PM

Thursday, September 26, 2002  


When the man interviewing me asks if i am honest, i no longer assume he means cosmic honesty, or even human honesty, but American honesty. The plastic, appeasing honesty of an uneducated democracy.

i suppose L.A. has helped me see the dark. Off i go to my second day of work.

Current Mood: drudge
Current Music: "What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here" - Creep, Radiohead

  posted by Arthur @ 9/25/2002 10:22:00 AM

Wednesday, September 25, 2002  


Dear Rebekah,

The older i get, the more impossible it seems to communicate my soul. But i want to try to tell you about Greek Fest.

We got to the gate and i called it a scam, because they were charging $2 for what was clearly only the opportunity to buy overpriced food, but Dave still wanted to go. The sun was awful, and i was fairly depressed, still wearing the clothes you saw me in. We walked into the church, where they were giving a cooking demonstration, and paid absolutely no attention. The demonstration ended, people faded in and out. Then a band took the stage.

After a song or two, a handful of old people got up, linked arms, and started dancing. The moment found me slowly. Dave commented that they looked like poorly programmed robots, and i laughed long and hard, because it was absolutely true, but i was also already glowing. You know, when you're smiling so big that tears form? Oh Rebekah, it was so beautiful. And that's it, you know? The end of culture. The remnants of a world before a McDonald's in every town, Baywatch on every screen. Don't get me wrong; though no fan of Baywatch, i revel in a connected world. But look at the price. Look at what's been lost.

i wish you'd been there to see, to understand.


Current Mood: lost and alone
Current Music: "It's hard at the end of the day; I need some distraction, oh beautiful release" - Angel, Sarah McLachlan

  posted by Arthur @ 9/22/2002 03:19:00 AM

Sunday, September 22, 2002  
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