
my blogs
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not my blogs


This goes out to you...

understand the things i say
don't turn away from me
'cause i've spent all my life out here
you wouldn't disagree

do you see me? do you see -
do you like me -
do you like me standing here?

  posted by Arthur @ 8/17/2002 04:29:00 AM

Saturday, August 17, 2002  


Funny thing about being woozy from lack of eats... things don't occur to you (such as, that you might be woozy from lack of eats). Also, cheese and orange juice are EXPENSIVE.

  posted by Arthur @ 8/16/2002 11:54:00 PM

Friday, August 16, 2002  


i was so confident having not hit my head on the top of the shower door, i stubbed my toe on the bottom. i know it may not seem like it, but there are definite disadvantages to being tall. i cite hide-and-seek as exhibit A, and the ball-pit at Chuck E. Cheese's a close B.

Current Mood: unwieldy
Current Music: "People they come together" - We Are All Made Of Stars, Moby

  posted by Arthur @ 8/16/2002 04:43:00 AM


i feel metaphysically fidgety.

i'm being tossed around by finally-fixed laptop, which i've been using for hours of Lemmings Revolution. ...all the food i don't know how to make, and ingredients too expensive for playing. ...a job i can't find, for a career i don't want. ...all the people who know the secrets i'm confessing, but leave me howling in darkening silence.

Current Mood: abandoned
Current Music: "If I am only here to watch you as you suffer..." - If I Am, Nine Days

  posted by Arthur @ 8/15/2002 05:38:00 PM

Thursday, August 15, 2002  


So i was killing ants for about a week there with Windex, and when i went to refill the bottle today, the very smell produced the mental impulse "Ants!" Cause-effect is a tempting, but elusive mistress.

  posted by Arthur @ 8/13/2002 04:51:00 PM

Tuesday, August 13, 2002  


Top Four Hypotheses As To Why Girls Do Not Transcend Reason:
1. Fear of falling into "emotional girl" stereotype.
2. Fear of loss of identity constructed around Reason.
3. Are not compensating for lack of purpose, therefore are not compelled beyond "good enough".
4. Are motivated solely by competition and/or equality.

Few discussions touch me as personally as this one. i highly encourage other thoughts.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: "De do do do, de da da da - That's all I want to say to you" - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da, The Police

  posted by Arthur @ 8/13/2002 02:33:00 AM


Pop Monday: First of all, i want to extend my humble thanks to Volkswagon for improving my quality of life. From the four kids on the country road with Nick Drake's Pink Moon, to the newlywed who drags his bride into the yard to show her the windows roll down. Currently, it's the child who glances askance at his hurrying dad, and then disappears to race him on his bike. These commercials express the height of humanity, exhibit the height of art. Thank you.

Secondly, and more importantly - in fact, paramount to any entry hitherto - i just finished watching Merlin, a fairly great film. It re-occurred to me, as i adopted Lady Nimue, that my greatest romantic failure is that none of my girls has been strong enough. But this time, a period solution arose. There needs must be a contest, decided by an appropriate question. Henceforth, my romantic affections shall turn toward none but she who answers the question honestly and correctly. The answer must arise solely from her heart and the heart of her True Love, not from expectations of me, therefore former love interests are automatically disqualified. The question at hand: Which is the greatest of all strengths?

Current Mood: the boy in The Five Chinese Brothers, still searching
Current Music: "And, hey babe, the sky's on fire. I'm dying, ain't I?" - Carolina In My Mind, James Taylor

  posted by Arthur @ 8/12/2002 03:48:00 AM

Monday, August 12, 2002  


Does it bother anyone else that Italo Calvino probly never got to hear Particle Man? Not to mention Edwin Abbott...

  posted by Arthur @ 8/11/2002 05:34:00 PM

Sunday, August 11, 2002  


Girls don't talk; they sign. These signals, of course, do not indicate anything wholly consistent, as that would require too much responsibility. However, as a guy, it is my job to find those signals i like, and act on them. That way, girls can feel attractive, and still say, "You don't know who I am!" This causes all sorts of problems for both sexes.

For example, throughout college i found myself on date-like outings or in bed with many girls who already had boyfriends. And they would talk about these boyfriends as if in mid-flirt confessionals, all the while blatantly signalling me to action. And universally, if i brought any of this up, they would shut down and deny everything. Once i understood all this, it was actually kind of fun to watch.

Maybe i'm missing something, but here's what i see. If i did act - the boyfriend's well-being aside - it would indicate that i had no respect for her emotional decisions (after all, she is choosing to be this guy's girlfriend). i guess she could have no respect for her decisions, but that's an even bigger problem.

Look, i like being chivalrous. i like carrying things, and holding doors, and general protection-type stuff. But if you can't make your own consistent emotional decisions, how can i expect you to choose me?

Current Mood: isolated
Current Music: "I can't say where it is, but I know I'm going" - Walk On, U2

  posted by Arthur @ 8/11/2002 04:08:00 PM

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