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Quoth Adams, "Reality is frequently inaccurate." For the bachelor (i'm beginning to realize), nowhere is that more true than in the kitchen. For just a taste of my misadventures: Hershey's cocoa in milk DOES NOT make chocolate milk; Wonder bread in the microwave DOES NOT make toast.

It must be Civilization's aversion to biology (the bathroom and kitchen are divine rooms in compensation for our biological sins) that keeps food at the bottom of the food chain, and so we just don't care if it doesn't make sense.

Has anyone else noticed that the pink M&M's are the same color as the Trivial Pursuit piece? Why is a box of maple and brown sugar Quaker Oats oatmeal an entire dollar more expensive at Ralph's than at Walmart? Why can i get a New York pizza in New York, and a Philly cheesesteak in Philly, but when i tried to get an eclair in Eau Claire they were called long johns? And why is it called a cheesesteak; isn't it really a cheese and steak sandwich? And who is Ralph? And isn't M and M's redundant?

What are your eternal edibles?

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: "I crawl up in the corner to watch the minutes pass" - The Distance, evan and jaron (Serendipity Soundtrack)

  posted by Arthur @ 8/10/2002 02:57:00 PM

Saturday, August 10, 2002  


This is a weak metaphor, but please let it be a shell. Put it to your ear, and know that it is not the ocean, but that it does speak to the ocean. It has been roaring distantly in my mind since i first uncovered the image some months ago.

We are each a key on a piano. The universe pushes us, and we react. In order to gain any understanding on our situation, we imagine ourselves outside of the piano. We imagine ourselves players or, at least, tinkerers. We imagine great diagrams on the nature of the piano. And after enough debate, after enough relentless pursuit of the truth - or even the possibility of truth - we allow ourselves to forget that we are keys. We must forget if we intend to gain any (rational) control, because we intend to gain control of that which we are part. But it is not a question of significance; there is no question at all. We are each a key. The only existential tragedy is the denial of this disparity of perspective.

To be human, it seems to me, is to have two gifts, each of incomprehensible proportion: the universe, and a place in it. To deny either (the objective or subjective) is to half-exist.

Current Mood: intimate
Current Music: "It's easy; let it go..." - Adia, Sarah MacLachlan

  posted by Arthur @ 8/09/2002 02:15:00 AM

Friday, August 09, 2002  


Ciao. That is the exotic, international cantilever of greetings used by everyone in LA... in the media. That's right, i'm writing to you from the surreal capital of the world. Or maybe i'm only in a larger LA's movie. Step back, Socrates (pronounced so-crates).

Yes, we now have comments! You empty-headed animal-food-trough wipers! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Speaking of which, Carey commented yesterday that the words falling out of my mouth - or onto the 'net - are but a tiny window, a Truman-Show elevator, onto the swirling miasma that is my mind. One of these days i will find a nice irrational girl, and we'll have nice irrational kids, but for now my intelligent honeys have yet to transcend their logical roots, so i will continue to confound, and asphyxiate, you all.

To Do:
   1. Get a job (Sha-la-la la, Sha-la-la la-la)
   2. Arrange stars on my ceiling based on 8/1/97 (10 pts for why)

Current Mood: smug
Current Music: "It's the least I can do - just to make you my baby" - I'm Gonna Make You Love Me, The Jayhawks (Dawson's Creek Soundtrack 2)

  posted by Arthur @ 8/08/2002 02:41:00 PM

Thursday, August 08, 2002  
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